Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Bad breath or halitosis can be defined as the unpleasant odor emanating from the mouth. Depending on the causes, it can be an occasional situation or a chronic condition and can be caused by bad oral hygiene, food habits, medications, possible diseases and a host of other reasons. The most obvious symptom of halitosis is the unpleasant breath on a person but this condition can be detected by a number of other factors that include:
- White Coat on the Tongue
- Dry Mouth
- Unpleasant Taste
If you are looking for professional help with halitosis, you have come to the right place! Our professional dentists, at Hinsdale Dental, and helpful experts can help you deal with everyday dental problems that include halitosis or bad breath.
What Are The Causes Of Bad Breath?
The causes of bad breath can range of improper brushing to serious diseases like diabetes and kidney infections. On the other hand, they can be as simple as eating foods like onions, garlic, spices, coffee, cheeses, as well as fish that get stuck in your teeth and lead to halitosis.
- Odor-inducing Foods
- Smoking/Tobacco Products
- Dentures or Braces
- Alcohol
- Sinus/Lung Infections
- Pregnancy
- Poor Oral Hygiene
- Kidney/Liver Disorder
- Diabetes
- Enlarged Tonsils
- Gum Disease/Infections
- Dry Mouth
- Mediation
- Morning Breath
One of the most common reasons for your mouth to emit bad breath is the stop in saliva production. This cease can be induced by sleep or medication that causes a dry mouth, allowing bacteria to fester and grow in your mouth.
What Can You Do To Prevent Bad Breath?
While some of these chronic conditions require help from an experienced dentist, you can rule out most of the causes by brushing and flossing regularly and ensuring that your tongue, teeth and gums are flushed clean after each meal. Bad breath can be prevented with simple steps like:
- Giving Up Smoking and Drinking
- Avoiding Odor-inducing Foods and Beverages
- Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene
- Alcohol
- Regularly Visiting the Dentist
- Specialized Toothpastes for Serious Cases
Since the most common reason for halitosis is food, you can go a long way without bad breath by ensuring that you rinse your mouth thoroughly after each meal and maintain top oral hygiene.
Seek Professional Help – How We Can Help
While halitosis is a relatively less serious disorder, there are times you should visit your dentist for treatment. If your bad breath is not caused by food or other avoidable habits, halitosis may be a side effect of a more serious medical problem. Visit your dentist today if you notice these symptoms in yourself or a loved one:
- White Spots on Tonsils
- Persistently Dry Mouth
- Pain When Chewing/Swallowing
- Dental Pain or Broken Teeth
- Sores Inside the Mouth
- Fever
In many pediatric cases of halitosis, it is caused by infections and undiagnosed medical problems. Additionally, use of strong diuretic medication can also lead to bad breath. If halitosis has begun affecting your life gravely, get in touch with our dentists today for effective treatment.
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