How Do You Recognize a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergency

A dental emergency is a problem with the teeth, gums, bone, and supporting tissue that requires urgent intervention by a professional. Pain doesn’t always accompany emergencies, although it is often a sign that something needs to be checked. The unpleasant sensation can come from the tooth, gums, or surrounding tissue. It can also feel like it comes from the teeth when something else is actually causing it.

An experienced clinician can pinpoint the cause depending on the type of pain you have. They then proceed to treat the problem. Each part of the oral cavity “sends” different messages.

Types of Dental Emergencies

Emergencies can range from a broken tooth to a fungal, bacterial, or viral infection. Each one requires a unique response depending on the situation. Fractures of the bone or one or more teeth can occur. The site and scope will determine the options for dental restoration.

Fracturing or falling out can be classified as emergencies. They impact function in terms of eating, visual appeal, and speech. This is why they need to be treated as fast as tooth tissue loss is.

Dental Emergency vs. Medical Emergency

The latter is an acute condition, in which there is direct threat to life, vision, limb, or health over the long term in general. A dental emergency won’t always overlap with a medical one. Some people associate dental emergencies with a patient’s willingness to get treatment at short notice and at any time. They say people who are demanding about the time of getting treatment don’t have an emergency. However, it can be that people who will agree to go to the dentist’s office at any time don’t have an emergency either.

Common Post-Treatment Conditions

Some people develop dry socket after they have a wisdom tooth extracted. This is discomfort due to nerve endings coming into contact with air. You can place a piece of cotton or sterile gauze soaked in clove oil to calm the irritation.

Some patients find it helps to apply OTC topical anesthetics directly to the gum. Analgesics like ibuprofen, aspirin, and paracetamol are often used. Ibuprofen and aspirin have the additional advantage of reducing inflammation. You can try applying ice or heat. Talk to a dentist before you try any of these though.

If You Have an Emergency, Don’t Hesitate to Call

Pain like toothache can’t wait. When you call about an emergency, Hinsdale Dental will offer you the earliest possible opening. Our dentists’ calm, gentle manners will do wonders for you. We make sure we reduce wait time as much as possible.

Before We Proceed

Before we proceed, we’ll take an X-ray of the area affected. Our friendly dentists will examine you before making recommendations for treatment. There are two options. The first is: they will end your pain right away. They might determine you have a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. In this case, you will be prescribed medication to treat it. Once you undergo the course of treatment, you can come back and your dentist will perform the required procedure.

Get Regular Checkups

It is hard to foresee a dental emergency. This is why we always recommend regular checkups. You should go to the dentist at least twice a year. A professional can see and address potential issues. Nevertheless, emergencies can happen. If you experience intense pain, do not sit idly or self-medicate. Gum or tooth injuries cannot wait. Don’t hesitate to call Hinsdale Dental as soon as possible if you’re in the area. We will do all we can to schedule you for an emergency appointment.

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