When is it Time to Repair Your Dental Bridge?

Dentist Hinsdale

Cosmetic dentistry can solve a whole host of issues, from medical problems due to an improper bite to helping to build confidence by straightening or whitening teeth, there are a wide array of issues that can be solved through cosmetic means. While any kind of cosmetic dental procedure will leave you with an improved smile, unfortunately not all of the benefits will last forever. Depending on the type of work done, the results can last from a few years to many decades. When it comes to dental bridges, patients are usually able to live happily and issue free for decades or longer, but eventually a problem may arise. If you’re in need of a repair or replacement to your dental bridge, read on to learn a bit more about the process!

Why do bridges fail?

There are a multitude of reasons your bridge may need repairing and some are more avoidable than others. Because bridges are made of ceramic or porcelain and fused to both a metal frame and your natural teeth, they require diligent care and maintenance. Keeping up with your oral health will help ensure the integrity of your bridge by preventing bacteria from entering the anchoring teeth, causing them to decay and disrupt the stability of your bridge. Additionally, there may be issues with the bridge itself in the metal wiring or a chip in the ceramic or porcelain. Other times, the bridge remains structurally sound, but the coloration simply no longer matches that of the surrounding teeth.

When is it time for a repair?

While bridges are made to last from five to thirty-five years, they aren’t a permanent solution. There are a few signs that may present themselves when it’s time for a repair, including a crack in the fake tooth or an anchoring tooth, or missing pieces of porcelain. It can also be hard to notice when the natural anchoring teeth are experiencing decay because the bridge is fixed to their surface, but pain or sensitivity can alert you to a potential cavity. It’s time to see the dentist if you feel pain around the bridge, notice chips or cracks, or feel sensitivity while chewing or brushing.

How to Fix the Problem

The solution to your problems will depend entirely on the problem itself! If one of your natural teeth is experiencing decay, the bridge will have to be broken and removed so that that tooth may be treated. After the decay is fixed and your tooth is strong again, your bridge can be replaced to its old position. If the issue is with the bridge itself, such as chipped ceramic, most often it can be repaired in the mouth without being removed.

Dental bridges require care and proper maintenance to last as long as they can. When things are in tip top shape, your bridge should rest naturally in your mouth and feel as though it had always been a part of your natural teeth. If you’ve started noticing that things feel off, it may be best to have your dentist investigate to see if an issue has arisen.

To schedule your next visit, give us a call at Hinsdale Dental today!

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